


Spooky is developed using the latest version of Flutter:

If you have a different version on your machine, consider:

Code Generation

Build runner

We use build_runner to generate model, route, etc. To generate, run following command:

fvm flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

See more:

Asset generation

We use flutter_gen to get rid of all String-based APIs. Motivation:

// String-based practice - bad practice

// Better practice

See more:

User Interface

Spooky is powered by Material 3 design system. Basic usages of theme:


For more advance usages, theme usage: theme.md

Semantic Versioning

We use Semantic Versioning to numbering each release. Example. the current version is 1.0.0. Given the version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH then increment the:

Use the following commands to release them to the remote repository:

git tag 1.0.6
git push 1.0.6

Extending Documentation

For better managing our documents, we move most part to “docs/” directory. In case you want to add more documentation, consider:

  1. Create new file docs/document_category/your_doc.md
  2. Link them in main README.md